There are four phases to the menstrual cycle which we liken to the seasons of the year. In this pack we refer to the phases by their ‘season’. And in each season there are 13 powers. Each power is colour coded to designate which season it belongs to. The menstrual phase, season and colours are:
‘Cherish’ has a green background and is one of the powers of your inner spring ‘Magnetise’ has a blue background and belongs to your inner summer 'Provoke/catalyse’ has an orange background and belongs to your inner autumn ‘Ecstasy’ has a red background and belongs to your inner winter
Of course, you can experience these powers at any time of the cycle however they have, if you like, a natural home in the cycle. The place where they are most amplified.
You’re on day 21 of your cycle and you get the card Cherish which speaks of the ‘spring’ energies even as you are crossing the line into your ‘autumn’ or premenstrual time. The tenderness of Cherish may be just what you need to cross into the premenstruum consciously and restfully. Cherish yourself. Actually we can’t think of a better ally as you make the transition into that more provocative phase of the cycle.
Or, lets say you picked Cherish in response to your PMS symptoms. It is a glorious remedy for any emotional upheavals and sensitivity. And, it could be indicating that they key to your PMS may lie with what is happening in your ‘spring’ or preovulatory phase. So really cherish yourself as you traverse your ‘spring’ as well.
By the way the powers that apparently seem quite benign like Do Nothing (inner winter) are some of the hardest to do and can pack the biggest punch in terms of their effect on your life
Build your own understanding about these amazing power cards. Tune into the power and what it means in response to your question or issue. You may find it helpful to unfold this through movement, drawing or free flow journal writing.
The cards often make us laugh out loud with their provocativeness. Alexandra on one occasion picked the same card three, yes, three times in a row. She didn’t like what she was getting and wanted to pick another. She got the message loud and clear that day and stopped arguing with the cards!
Check out some of our card interpretations below