Episode 100: Queering The Cycle (Lottie Randomly & Abi Denyer-Bewick)

Today we’re picking up an important thread we’ve been weaving through the podcast since the beginning - Queer Menstruality.

I'm back with Red School Leadership Mentor, Abi Denyer-Bewick and this time we're in conversation with the brilliant Lottie Randomly who graduated from the Red School Menstruality Leadership Programme in 2012.

Lottie is a facilitator, educator, activist, writer and mentor with a background in mental health work and resilience building. They’re also a ceremonialist, with a special interest in funerals, and they’re especially drawn to the inner landscapes that people often fear passing through, such as menstruation and menopause as well as death and grief.

In our conversation to day we’re looking to expand the concepts around menstruality to include all people who menstruate - as well as people who don’t - all in the name of belonging, which is at the heart of this work.

In This Episode:

- How the practice of menstrual cycle awareness naturally brings up questions and personal exploration around the identities we hold.

- How to expand the conversation around menstruality expands to include the experiences of all people with menstrual cycles, including non-binary and gender-expansive folks.

- “Menstrunormativity” and the harmful impacts around the unsaid assumptions about the menstrual cycle and menopause.

Listen to The Full Episode Here:

Show Notes:
Episode Transcript
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