Episode 94: Your Menstrual Cycle = Your Blueprint for Everything You Create (Alexandra & Sjanie)

Today I’m back with Alexandra & Sjanie and we’re kicking off a series which will unfold all the way through the summer - our Creativity series. Because these two powerhouse creative mavens have finally landed their teachings on creativity - born from the menstrual cycle and relevant to us all, whether you currently have a menstrual cycle or not. 

They’ll be sharing these teachings around what they call ‘The Creative Cycle’ for the first time ever this September in our new creativity course, and you can join us for our free webinar on July 12th to learn all about both The Creative Cycle and the course.

In today’s conversation we explore how we’re all innately creative, how The Creative Cycle can free us up from self doubt, shame, procrastination and every other creative block we face, and how Alexandra and Sjanie have worked with these teachings to make everything they’ve created at Red School…

In This Episode:
  • The liberating power of The Creative Cycle, and how it can free us all up from self doubt, shame, procrastination and “too-many-ideas” overwhelm into a thriving, fulfilling creative life.

  • What the menstrual cycles have taught Alexandra and Sjanie about the cyclical nature of creativity, and how Red School has been a ‘laboratory’ to practice these teachings.
  • Why - and how - we would LOVE to hear from YOU.

Listen to The Full Episode Here:
Show Notes:

Join our free webinar: How menstruality can teach you to live a wildly creative life on July 12th - www.redschool.net/creativity

Episode Transcript
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