The Cyclical Wisdom Quest

A three day deep dive into the hidden powers of the inner seasons of the menstrual cycle as your pathway home to health, creative fullfilment and belonging.

Online workshop: 20th - 22nd February

With Red School’s co-founders, Alexandra & Sjanie
Join now

Welcome, we’re thrilled you’re here.
This three-day online event is for you if you want to
embody the wisdom of life’s cycles and take your seat in a revolution
that puts cyclical intelligence back at the centre of our lives…

Is something calling you to the power and wisdom of cycles?

Perhaps it’s the seasons of nature, the great spirals of the planets or the quiet but persistent truth that you are 28 (or so) different versions of yourself throughout each menstrual or lunar month…

We felt the call of cyclical wisdom too

Alexandra's story: intense menstrual pain awakened her to the power of her cyclical nature. She made the radical decision to trust in and follow her body by stopping and resting at menstruation. And, in that act, she opened the door to the extraordinary spiritual powers at menstruation and discovered how the menstrual cycle is a map and guide and guide for a deeply meaningful, resourced life. (It also slowly, but surely, guided her to heal all her symptoms).

Sjanie's story: After seven grey, barren years of numbness, disconnection and lack of clarity, Sjanie’s onset of pain during orgasm inspired her to come off the contraceptive implant. And when her menstrual cycle returned, her inner life exploded into glorious technicolour and a new found clarity of purpose found her.

Both of their experiences are what ultimately led to all the menstruality teachings they share and everything they have now created together at Red School.

We all have our own cycle story -

Our own unique call home to the cyclical intelligence within; for some it is premenstrual anxiety or depression, for others it is challenging cycles in the run-up to menopause, or the great initiation of menopause itself, that calls them to pay new attention to their cyclical nature.

Over a collective 50 years of listening to these stories, we have come to know a profound truth - that, leaning into and learning from the cyclical intelligence in the menstrual cycle and the the menopause process is a path to power.

Whatever your story, and whatever called you here, we warmly welcome you to join us for a quest…a three-day adventure where we will explore the power that is calling to hundreds of thousands of us now - the gifts that lie within the four phases or inner seasons as we call them - of the menstrual cycle.*

*This is also for you if you are in or post menopause. You will work with the energetic imprint of the cycle which is still within you.

How will The Cyclical Wisdom Quest help you?
How will The Cyclical Wisdom Quest help you?

Whether you've been tracking your menstrual cycle for years, or you’re heading towards menopause, in the midst of menopause or post menopause, or you’re brand-new to the power of cyclical wisdom, we invite you to join us for three days of soulful, inspiring, exploration that has the potential to transform every aspect of your life…

Discover the power
of your inner seasons

Together we will understand how the hidden powers of the four phases of the menstrual cycle are alive in you, and your unique way of activating and experiencing and experiencing them, so you can thrive in all areas of your life.

Reveal your rhythm
of power

Together, we will take the rebellious act of turning away from the demands of a world that regularly bends us out of shape to fit its linear conquests, and turn towards ourselves, to listen for our own, unique rhythm of vitality, creativity and power.

Allow life’s intelligence
to guide and hold you

Together we will rest back into the natural power that makes the leaves burst forth in spring, the rivers roar after a storm, that holds our beautiful planet in its orbit around the Sun.

Do you want to embody cyclical wisdom in your life?

This quest will illuminate the possibilities for how you can deepen into a cycle centred life and how Red School can support you with this.  If you’re feeling called to this work, the quest will also serve as an introduction to our Menstruality Leadership Programme, which starts in March. You can find out more and explore the programme here.

Dates & Times
all sessions are virtual -

A follow-along with the replays option will be
available for those who cant attend live

Tuesday February 20th

11am - 1.30pm New York / 4pm - 6.30pm London

Wednesday February 21st

11am - 1.45pm New York / 4pm - 6.45pm London

Thursday February 22nd

11am - 1.30pm New York / 4pm - 6.30pm London

“I thank you for, and honour you for this amazing gift”

This menstruality work has, and continues, to influence my life at the deepest level and I thank you for, and honour you for this amazing gift that you have given, to me, to so many others. As you know, my own entrance at the door of menopause was pretty dramatic, and I can honestly say that without the understanding I had from the training, from practising cycle awareness and of the menopause rite of passage, I don’t think I would have got through it.
Nalini Deane
“ I never imagined or even believed that I could be this well”

You would not be able to fully understand how much my life has changed or how much you and the other women in the MLP Tribe have changed my life. I never imagined or even believed that I could be this well and I know that I still have a lot to do. But here is the big change for me, I am actually getting on with it. I am all zipped up, a whole complete woman full of light, dark, softness, harshness. So while I had absolutely no intention of enjoying this journey…I am loving it!
Althea Hart
“The biggest Mother-Hug of my life!"

The best thing I have ever done. To learn to befriend myself in all (yes, all!) seasons of my menstrual cycle, to delve where I have never delved before, and come out feeling so, so alive and juicy wanting to share it with my sisters. This apprenticeship has given me the biggest Mother-Hug of my life!
Jane Watson

Register Today

£225 (incl VAT)

This three-day interactive workshop is on February 20-22. It is both an immersive exploration into the hidden powers of the cycle (and how these powers show up in menopause)—through the menstrual cycle—as well as an introduction to the deeper work we do in our annual Menstruality Leadership Programme.

Save Your Seat Now

(All proceeds will go to the Menstruality Foundation to bring menstrual cycle awareness and conscious menopause to marginalised communities - find out more below)

The Schedule

During our three days together we are going to look behind the veil of our lived experience of the cycle to experience the deeper mystery and meaning at work, and receive each season's gifts for the unfolding of your unique genius.

Here’s what you can expect:

day One:

Everything begins and ends with menstruation: your inner winter*. It is your root, your sanctuary, your anchor into the essence of who you are.

  • Discover your unique way to drop your bundle and rest and repair as menstruation aligns you to your true north each cycle month.
  • Experience a taste of the expanded consciousness, visioning capacity and even bliss available to you when you bleed.
  • Learn how to hear your call to the ‘inner temple’ within, surrender to the medicine of menstruation, and experience a profound belonging to yourself, and to life.

You have a genius. In the process you will come to awaken and feel the powers of each inner season.

Day Two:

As your ‘sap’ rises pre-ovulation, your inner spring invites you to play, experiment and explore, before take your foot off the brake in inner summer, and allow yourself to be truly seen.

  • Discover your unique way to contain your rising energy, and allow your natural magnetism to radiate in all areas of your life.
  • Learn how to hold your innocent maiden self as you take risks, and relish the pleasure of living authentically, exactly as you are.
  • Experience a taste of your unleashed power as you reach the zenith of the cycle, and how to express this ever more fully.

You have a genius. In the process you will come to awaken and feel the powers of each inner season.

day Three:

As you begin your descent into the premenstruum 

  • Learn how to face yourself in all that your inner autumn reveals to you, with self-compassion and courage.
  • Discover your unique way to channel the fierce, kick-ass, provocative energies of your inner autumn, even in a world that dismisses them as mad, bad or wrong. 
  • Experience a taste of your inner discerning truth-teller, and how it can call you into profound alignment, clear boundaries and embodied power.

You have a genius. In the process you will come to awaken and feel the powers of each inner season.

*If you’re in menopause - you’ll work with the imprint of the cycle that still lives within you. 
I feel more grounded in my body, as if I could really embody spirit, which is not separate from my body.

The menstrual cycle (and of course menopause) is the link between the spiritual and the material world, between spirit and matter - and it can be found in our bodies, which are sacred.
Céline Vidal
Director of Studies, University of Cambridge
I thought I was already quite connected to my intuition before but now I feel pragmatically equipped to live to the full potential of my sacred, sensitive feminine nature. I am seeing my own unique leadership blueprint emerge out of this experience and I look forward to seeing how it unfolds.

This embodiment is a reconnection to the great continuum of Life and the most relevant healing step to take to heal the separation from our own nature.
Lacretia Dye
Associate Professor, Western Kentucky University
Alexandra and Sjanie have gifted us this new language with which to express and experience life. Their presence is always with me and helping and guiding me. Hearing them both speak I felt a truth that I’d never encountered before. They speak from the heart and from the soul, to the heart and to the soul. I feel their support every step of the way. Their hand has been holding me and they’ve had my back, what teachers, how inspirational.
Kate Shepherd Cohen
Founder & CEO of Health Tech menstrual education organisation Menstrual Cycle Support,

Register Today

£225 (incl VAT)

This three-day interactive workshop is on February 20-22. It is both an immersive exploration into the hidden powers of the cycle (and how these powers show up in menopause)—through the menstrual cycle—as well as an introduction to the deeper work we do in our annual Menstruality Leadership Programme.

Save Your Seat Now

(All proceeds will go to the Menstruality Foundation to bring menstrual cycle awareness and conscious menopause to marginalised communities - find out more below)

Who are we?

We're the founders of Red School

We, Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, are your hosts for the quest. We’re the co-founders of Red School, two women fascinated - obsessed even! - by what becomes possible when we embrace the wisdom and power of our menstrual cycles and menopause.

We co-founded Red School in 2014 with a clear mission - to restore menstrual cycle awareness as an initiatory path and spiritual practice, to ignite the conscious menopause revolution, and to train the menstruality leaders of the future.

Along the way, we’ve had over 10,000 people in our programmes, and there are now 460 menstruality leaders out working cycle-inspired magic in the world.

We’ve also written two Hay House books, Wild Power: Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power, and Wise Power: Discover the Liberating Power of Menopause to Awaken Authority, Purpose and Belonging.

The world has never been more ready for the power of menstruality. We now have a global community of over 50,000 people exploring menstrual cycle awareness and conscious menopause with us, and we are thrilled to have you with us for this wild ride.

It’s time we remember that there’s no scripture more sacred than being in our own skin. Embodiment is our holiest spiritual path. And Wild Power paves the way.
Meggan Watterson
Author of REVEAL: A Sacred Manual For Getting Spiritually Naked
From their decades of practice and study, with breathtaking generosity and luminosity, Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer guide us back to the humble authority of true embodiment. I believe Wild Power is the guidebook needed for these times, when millions of us are hearing the call to lead the way for humans to live in alignment, in collaboration and honoring of body and earth.
Chameli Ardagh
Founder, The Awakening Women Institute
Wild Power is the golden thread in a living tapestry that is being woven by women and menstruators around the world. It helps us make sense not just of our own cycles, but our souls and our deeper calling to create a new story for humankind, and the womb of the world.
Clare Dubois
Founder, TreeSisters

Register Today

£225 (incl VAT)

This three-day interactive workshop is on February 20-22. It is both an immersive exploration into the hidden powers of the cycle (and how these powers show up in menopause)—through the menstrual cycle—as well as an introduction to the deeper work we do in our annual Menstruality Leadership Programme.

Save Your Seat Now

(All proceeds will go to the Menstruality Foundation to bring menstrual cycle awareness and conscious menopause to marginalised communities - find out more below)

About the Menstruality Foundation

At Red School, our mission is to to activate the vitality, creativity and leadership of a million people, through the magic of menstrual cycle awareness and a conscious menopause.

In 2020 Alexandra and Sjanie founded the Menstruality Foundation, with an aim of bringing menstruality to more people - particularly those with marginalised identities, and those who face challenges accessing this work.

All donations to the Menstruality Foundation go towards scholarship places on Red School courses, for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour, people in the LGBTQ+ community, people living with a disability or people who are socio-economically challenged.