Episode 53: The Connection Between Menopause, Nature and Sacred Sex (Jewels Wingfield)

When teacher and activist Jewels Wingfield felt menopause calling, through intense physical symptoms, she knew she needed to take a deep retreat. In this conversation, we explore her 13 moon ‘conscious menopause sabbatical’ and how it transformed her health, her relationship to herself, her work in the world, and even her sex life.

Jewels is the founder of the EarthHeart project and on the other side of her sabbatical she is focusing on guiding women to explore their ‘nature-based feminine leadership’, with a particular focus on an ancient, Celtic approach to menstruality, and how the natural world can support our menopause death-and-rebirth process.

In This Episode:
  • How to carve out space and time for retreat and menopause, even when we have big responsibilities and financial pressure, and the potentially beneficial impact.

  • How to access the wisdom of the natural world as a powerful guide and ally during the initiation of menopause.

  • Some good news about how sex changes in menopause, and practical (often surprising!) guidance to access new levels of sexual connection and desire in this phase of life.

Listen to The Full Episode Here:
Show Notes:
Episode Transcript
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