Wednesday June 5th
1.30pm New York / 6.30pm London
We’ll gather for 1.5 hours to explore the power that lives in your cycle, how you can awaken it through befriending your inner seasons, and how you can embody it, to transform everything in your world.
Is something calling you to the power and wisdom of your menstrual cycle?
In a world which pushes us to ceaselessly do-do-do, there are those of us who know the power, wisdom and sanity of cycle awareness, and long to embody it fully…
Whether you’re looking to explore the spiritual power of the cycle, working to heal menstrual health challenges, dealing with changing cycles around menopause or feeling called to take a stand for the Feminine…
Come and learn personally from the creators of the inner seasons map of the menstrual cycle and discover the true depths of what’s possible
Whether you’re brand-new to the power of your menstrual cycle, you've been tracking your menstrual cycle for years, or you’re heading towards menopause, we invite you to join us for six weeks of soulful, inspiring, exploration that has the potential to transform every aspect of your life…
Get to know your inner seasons more deeply (rather than trying to have the cycle that the ‘textbook’ says your cycle could/should be).
Learn how to awaken and wield the powers of each inner season to claim the life you were born to live and have meaningful impact.
Understand how to practice Menstrual Cycle Awareness through each of the inner seasons (and Crossover Days), so you can learn to love and cooperate with your own true nature.
Learn how to restore your own inner ecology, so you can soothe your nervous system, express your needs, hold your boundaries and be nourished (especially by the spiritual power of menstruation).
Perhaps you've learned about the inner seasons but want to go deeper than surface level cycle tracking and syncing... or you’re frustrated that you aren’t experiencing more of what you’ve read or heard about. You may sense the power and feel a yearning to claim it fully in your body.
When you truly understand your inner seasons you unleash a force of nature within you.
Learn how to:
→ Yield to the call of surrender during inner winter (menstruation) so that you can heal burnout, receive the Mother Hug and experience rested power.
→ Move tenderly with inner spring (pre-ovulation) and come to relish your pace, your uniqueness and the playfulness and possibility this awakens within you.
→ Allow yourself to be unashamedly YOU. Unleash your full expression in inner summer (ovulation) and experience the great pleasure of sharing your gifts in the world.
→ Slow down and hold yourself through the fire of inner autumn (premenstruum) so that you can tap into intuitive knowing, claim your authority and stand for what truly matters to you.
If you have (and we're thrilled that it's now been translated into eight languages), you’ve learned about the menstrual cycle. Now it’s time to embody the power of your own, amazing, unique cycle…
If you’re ready to reconnect with the magic of your menstrual cycle and reclaim your power, this is a great time to step in:
Pay in three
£117 x 3
One time payment
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Each module will immerse you in the power of the menstrual cycle—taking each inner season in turn. With our specially crafted exercise we take you behind the ‘scenes’ of your everyday experience to receive revelatory insight and taste the inner season’s true gift to you.
Each week we will send you a 20-30 minute original teaching from Sjanie and Alexandra revealing a different aspect of the power of your menstrual cycle.
Each module, you'll be guided by Alexandra and Sjanie in our specially crafted process to illuminate the teachings. You can share your experience from the exercise with others on the course and listen to others share their experience with Alexandra and Sjanie who will dive deeper into those questions / insights / explorations.
For each inner season you will learn about a specific self care practice and be tasked to practise it. These inner season practices are life-long tools that help to activate the power of the menstrual cycle.
You’ll be invited to share your cycle check-ins and insights about the teachings with the vibrant community of like-minded participants on the course (many people say this is one of the most powerful elements of the programme)
Be witnessed, inspired and nurtured in your menstrual cycle awareness practice by a listening partnership (these often become long-term, deep, cycle-inspired friendships).
When you sign up, you will be sent each module on a weekly basis, with module one being available straight away. Here's what you can look forward to:
Uncover the Map of the Inner Seasons and be guided in unearthing your own inner ecology. You'll be introduced to the fundamentals of Menstrual Cycle Awareness (MCA) which is the foundational practice for restoring this inner ecology and embodying your power. Discover the four keys to your power—to access and grow your power through the inner seasons and learn about the power of small shifts (your secret strategy for doing MCA in a cycle denying world!).
This module will prepare you for a whole new discovery of yourself and your power that will unfold over the subsequent weeks.
In this module you'll be guided to explore your relationship with your own Inner Winter. Learn how to rest, repair and renew in inner winter (menstruation) so you can fully receive the initiatory power of your bleed and experience the full grandeur of your authentic self. Discover the Inner Winter's natural powers and limits and learn how to awaken the powers through honouring the limits and practising the self care for this inner season.
Explore your relationship with Inner Spring and learn how to cherish and nurture your undefended, authentic self. Uncover the natural powers and limits of the Inner Spring, so you can fully harness the creative power of play and innocence.
Be guided in our unique process to discover your relationship with your Inner Summer. We'll champion you to step up to declare and share your authentic self. We'll also share the natural powers and limits of Inner Summer so you can draw on natural confidence, express yourself and create magic.
Discover how to navigate your Inner Autumn (pre-menstruum), by reflecting on your relationship with it. Learn about the powers and limitations of the Inner Autumn, and find out the self care practice so you can channel the power of discernment and speak truth to power.
In this module we'll gather the harvest of everything you've been practicing. Revisit what you've learnt about yourself and your unique needs through the inner seasons of your cycle; what boundaries you meet within yourself; how to expand your capacity to assert these boundaries and take care of these needs; and the means by which you can awaken the power of each inner season within you.
We'll unpack the five ways that awareness of the inner seasons, and care for them, helps you to grow and maintain the foundations for your power so you can step out into the world as your brilliant, authentic self.
An excellent beginners guide to cycle awareness. Learn how to practise Menstrual Cycle Awareness and get to know the inner seasons of your cycle. Includes practical steps, month at a glance chart, year long chart and answers to common questions.
The Inner Seasons Meditation is a guided process to explore your relationship with the phases of the menstrual cycle and what that might reveal to you about your relationship with the natural powers of each phase.
In this potent workshop, we’ll guide you to work with cycle awareness to face your inner critic, so you can ease self doubt, imposter syndrome, fear of failure and overwhelm, and find the confidence, trust and freedom to do what you’re here to do. (You’ll receive the workshop as soon as you join the course).