The Menstruality
Leadership Programme

7th February - 9th May 2025
know yourself – live your calling – stand for life

The world’s first leadership programme
designed for trailblazers, change-makers, nurturers and creatives
to embody your full authority and leadership
through the power of menstruality

We warmly invite you to join us for a homecoming...

… to the wisdom you know in your blood and bones. It’s time for each of us to unashamedly claim the power of the menstrual cycle and menopause and use it to serve and stand for Life itself.

If you have a longing in your heart to find your voice, take up more space and step into your authentic power, and you sense that your menstrual cycle and menopause holds the key…

… this apprenticeship with menstruality will initiate you into the three foundational menstruality maps as the gateway to understanding the menstrual cycle as your inner guidance system, so that you can be inspired, emboldened and skilled up to lead in your unique way.

If you’re feeling called to be a leader in the emerging field of menstruality, and contribute to the reinstatement of the Feminine in our world, but are feeling held back by fear or self doubt…

… this apprenticeship with menstruality will help you to build psychological muscle to know, hold and soothe yourself as well as root you into a stream of life-affirming power, so that you can help to restore the menstrual cycle as a spiritual path and practice for yourself and for the sake of the world.

If you’re ready to commit to your calling and contribute in an even more meaningful way, but you’re not sure what the next steps are…

… this apprenticeship with menstruality will help you discover your Calling, embody your authority and find your natural leadership rhythm, with your menstrual cycle as your loyal ally. (And the best bit—your menstrual cycle and menopause process has a mission to deliver you home to your deep self—it will guide you in how to serve from a well-rested place.)

How to Channel the Powers of Menstruality to Step into Your Leadership
A free introductory webinar with Alexandra & Sjanie
for the menstruality leadership programme

This world needs the full reinstatement of the Feminine for all life to flourish—are you hearing the call to play your part in this revolution?

There is much suffering in the world today: oppression, poverty, injustice and the wilful destruction of the planet—our very life support system.

In amongst this chaos and suffering a healing force is wanting to be known—the power of the Feminine. So many of us are feeling called to serve this movement. Are you? 

For centuries within our culture, the menstrual cycle has been denied, demonized and rejected. We’ve been led to believe it’s a limitation or a weakness we must overcome in order to succeed. This programme is designed to help you embody the extraordinary truth that the menstrual cycle (and menopause) are in fact a highly potent, potentially liberating process, rooting you in the Way of the Feminine*.

It’s your custom-made initiatory path to embodying this power.

We invite you to take your seat in this revolution of conscious cycle-aware people who are setting the pace, demanding to do things on their own terms and modelling a new way that is cyclical, relational and organic—recognising all life as connected and sacred.

*When we use the word Feminine, we are not referring to gender but rather the archetypal force of the Feminine which all genders have access to. And though the Feminine can be embodied through many different paths and practices, those with a menstrual cycle are profoundly tutored in this way of being—leadership in service of the Feminine. What we refer to as Feminine Leadership.

As you sit here, reading this and exploring the programme, you might be:

Knowing (or sensing) the power that lives within your cyclical nature

and curious to go deeper—perhaps a friend has shared how this work has transformed their life, and you want to experience this powerful homecoming for yourself.

Buzzing after reading Wild Power and Wise Power

feeling the truth and potential of menstruality in your bones and ready to follow the call to apprentice with your cycle as your tailor-made inner guide.

Suffering with menstrual pain, endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids

or other menstrual / health condition, and longing for holding, support and a meaningful context that can make sense of your (underworld) initiatory healing journey.

In your 40s and sensing a new power rising up

even as it may be uncomfortable and disconcerting—which is calling you to make the most of your final cycling years as a pathway to deeper purpose and authority.

Journeying through the great initiation of menopause

(or living your post-menopause life), and wanting to reclaim the power of your cycling years and embody the wise power of menopause more fully.

Longing to guide others through this work

to weave menstruality into your current offerings or become a leader in the field of Menstruality.

Feeling a clarion call to serve the Feminine

in our world through restoring cyclical consciousness.

… OR perhaps you don’t really know why you’re here

If so, you’re not alone—many have felt this way before you! We’re happy you’re here, trusting your gut and following the call.

Your Menstrual Cycle is coded with your unique brand of leadership
Register Now

We invite you to join us for the journey of a lifetime, to work with your cycle as your ultimate ally to realising your full authority and leadership/power, for the sake of Life itself.

About the Training

The Red School Menstruality* Leadership Programme is an immersive training for teachers, healers, guides, artists, creatives, nurturers, trailblazers and culture-shifters who want to embody a radically new approach to leadership that is based on a cyclical model of development, and rooted in your lived experiences of the menstrual cycle**

This is the only comprehensive training of its kind in the world.

As a participant, you’ll join a powerful community of changemakers exploring and developing the exciting new discipline of menstruality—a discipline that is set to change the way we approach our wellbeing at all levels of personal and professional development, creative & spiritual life over the coming years.

On a personal level, the programme will help you to:

  • Establish an ongoing, dedicated discipline of Menstrual Cycle Awareness as a transformational practice so that you can feel anchored in your very own, custom-made personal and spiritual development programme for life.
  • Develop detailed and intimate grounding in your own cycle pattern and an ability to read your cycle’s signs for insight into your own nature, needs and Calling, so that you can understand your unique strengths and vulnerabilities and how to care for and capitalise on them. (You’ll create your own cyclical self–care tool kit.)

* What is “Menstruality”? This word (originally coined by Jane Catherine Severn) describes the precise and multi–layered biological, psychological and spiritual system of evolution within the menstrual cycle and developmental journey from menarche to menopause and beyond into our mature years.

** If you don’t have a menstrual cycle, you can work with the moon cycle. The patterning is the same although the menstrual cycle is felt more deeply as it is an embodied process. If you are on the cusp of or have crossed the menopause, you will work retrospectively recovering something of your menstrual cycle story, understanding how the cyclical powers exist within you still and how to honour them, while also exploring this in the context of the transition of menopause itself. If you are pregnant or in early motherhood your exploration of the menstruality maps will support the initiation you’re currently in.

On a professional level, the Menstruality Leadership Programme will help you to:

  • Step into your own authority so you can find your voice and express your unique creativity and leadership in the world.
  • Develop your own inner knowing of how to share, teach and integrate Menstruality into your work in the world, and to mentor others in what you’ve experienced on this programme.

* If you want to teach and coach in the area of menopause, you would also need to attend our Menopause: The Great Awakener online course.

Please note: we don’t teach you how to teach this material but rather support the awakening of your authority to do that.


We will be offering a professional development pathway in the future. It will be an long-term intimate mentorship with Alexandra & Sjanie, and the Menstruality Leadership Programme will be a prerequisite. So, if you want to create a menstruality career and be at the forefront of the menstruality movement, the first step is to cultivate your personal relationship to menstruality through the MLP.

“ I never imagined or even believed that I could be this well”

You would not be able to fully understand how much my life has changed or how much you and the other women in the MLP Tribe have changed my life. I never imagined or even believed that I could be this well and I know that I still have a lot to do. But here is the big change for me, I am actually getting on with it. I am all zipped up, a whole complete woman full of light, dark, softness, harshness. So while I had absolutely no intention of enjoying this journey…I am loving it!
Althea Hart
“The biggest Mother-Hug of my life!”

The best thing I have ever done. To learn to befriend myself in all (yes, all!) seasons of my menstrual cycle, to delve where I have never delved before, and come out feeling so, so alive and juicy wanting to share it with my sisters. This apprenticeship has given me the biggest Mother-Hug of my life!
Jane Watson
“I thank you for, and honour you for this amazing gift”

This menstruality work has, and continues, to influence my life at the deepest level and I thank you for, and honour you for this amazing gift that you have given, to me, to so many others. As you know, my own entrance at the door of menopause was pretty dramatic, and I can honestly say that without the understanding I had from the training, from practising cycle awareness and of the menopause rite of passage, I don’t think I would have got through it.
Nalini Deane

Hi, we're Alexandra & Sjanie

We’re your guides for the Menstruality Leadership Programme, as well as being the founders of Red School and the authors of two Hay House books, Wild Power and Wise Power.
We’re honoured to have built a global community of over 50,000 menstrual-culture-shifters who are leading the menstruality revolution.
When we first named the powers of the inner seasons of the cycle back in 2005 the response from people we shared it with was visceral, eye opening and potent - we imagine you felt it too; a homecoming to your own body wisdom.
When we published Wild Power in 2017, illuminating the many ways our inner seasons can restore our health, vitality, creativity and spiritual connection, a magnificent wave of Menstrual Cycle Awareness was unleashed across the world.
Over the past decade, through over 10,000 hours of ethno-biographic research with our students, we’ve unearthed the inner ecology of the menstrual cycle, and how to work with it to unlock new levels of health, vitality, creativity, purpose and power.
Now, in the Menstruality Leadership Programme we invite you to join us to not only EMBODY this cyclical intelligence, to empower you as a leader in every area of your life.
About us:
With four decades of combined experience in the fields of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, coaching, conscious dance and martial arts, teaching and facilitation, Alexandra and Sjanie are devoted to creating a cycle-aware world by uplifting, educating and inspiring the leaders of the global menstruality movement, and putting menstrual cycle awareness in the heart of every boardroom, classroom and dinner table discussion on the planet.

We are honoured to have been featured in…
“...Menstrual mentors are helping women take charge of their lives by better understanding their cycles. Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer and Alexandra Pope lay the foundations for today’s menstrual coaching strategies”.
- Metro
How Can The Menstruality Leadership Programme empower you to take your next steps in your leadership?
Register Now

Red School’s Menstruality Leadership Programme is an initiation into a wholly new consciousness—one that is emergent, infinitely creative and organised by the dynamic of your menstrual cycle and your journey from menarche to menopause. 

The programme is a highly experiential, immersive deep-dive, which can yield incredible fruit, if you’re willing to make a deep commitment to the process, engage fully and bring a desire to meet your edges in order to heal and evolve.

The purpose of this training is to evolve you into a leader in the menstruality field

This could mean you go on to:

  • Become a menstruality guide or mentor; sharing from your lived, personal experience of menstruality.
  • Integrate menstruality into any existing coaching, therapeutic or facilitation skills you have.
  • Infuse menstruality into your existing life roles, for example bringing it into your role as a mother, activist or community leader.
  • Weave menstruality into your job as an educator, entrepreneur, health practitioner, artist, environmentalist, politician, or any other role.

At this point, you need not know what the future holds for you as a menstruality leader. The programme is designed to facilitate this clarity and knowing.

The programme will:

  • Awaken you to a different way of being, perceiving and living in the world, one that is sourced in/from the via negativa—the Way of the Feminine. And, through this, you’ll be lowered into a deep well of trusted support and a source of ongoing guidance.
  • Initiate you into the deep river of your Calling, awakening you to the creative flow of your life and the unique shape and direction of your Menstruality Leadership.
  • Awaken the twelve menstruality ‘Dark Arts’ (the Feminine leadership skills), that will help you to steadily embody the wisdom you receive through your cycle awareness practice, in all areas of your life.

We do this by:

  • Working the initiatory process of your menstrual cycle through experiential exercises, movement, reflection, sharing and facilitated processing.
  • Giving you an experience of all the elements of the menstruality cosmology so that our menstruality maps become a deeply embodied, implicit knowing in you.
  • Providing a well held container in which you might feel safe to experience and ride the evolutionary forces at work within you


We aim to create a supportive and safe community within which you can explore deeply the inner forces of your body. However, such is the power of menstruality, we have found that the awakening to this work can sometimes be challenging and catalytic. It is therefore important that you have some personal development skills and your own therapeutic resources in place should you need it.

This recording is last year's introduction to the 2020 MLP online:

Are you Ready for Your Initiation into Cycle-Inspired, Feminine Leadership?
The Curriculum

Module One:
The Foundations for Feminine Leadership

Friday 7th February—Thursday 27th February 2025

Discover the Feminine Leadership skill set that will empower you to embody your unique way of leading, in a sustainable way. You will learn how to live these skills so that you can bring your unique contribution forward with confidence and meaningful impact.

You will:

  • Clarify how Feminine Leadership can become a way of life for you, guided every step of the way by menstruality and a cyclical consciousness so that you can live, love and lead in a way that honours all of Life.
  • Learn how the peak moments of initiation in the menstrual cycle life arc (menarche, menstruation, motherhood, menopause) are evolutionary doorways to life-affirming leadership, and the skills needed to navigate these transitions.
  • Understand how to harness the real depths of the practice of Menstrual Cycle Awareness (or cycle awareness post-menopause) as your personal, tailor-made spiritual path to experiencing more wholeness, power, and peace, as well as the catalyst for living your Calling.
  • Explore how to apply cycle awareness for pregnancy, birth, motherhood (the transition of matrescence) as well as the great initiation of menopause.
  • Learn how to bring the three archetypal powers of the menstrual cycle alive in your life—encounter, agency and presence—as a source of ever-present cyclical wisdom to navigate any challenge you face.
  • Be schooled in the twelve Dark Arts of menstruality, to step into your unique form of Feminine leadership—these leadership skills are inspired from four decades of research into the powers of the menstrual cycle and menopause and we can’t wait to share them with you.
  • Discover the sacred role of your Inner Critic and the skills needed to transform this often debilitating force from a shame creator into a creative ally.

Module Two:
The Opening—The Five Chambers of Menstruation

Friday 28th February—Thursday 20th March 2025

Discover how to navigate the expanded territory of your bleed time (or the dark moon)—and its five distinct phases—so that you can tune in and receive the deep, spiritual resources that are available to you and navigate your way through the divine orchestrations of the Inner Temple of menstruation.

You will:

  • Gain a deep understanding of the map of the Five Chambers of Menstruation as a guide to the initiatory process (the death and rebirth process) of menstruation, matrescence and menopause.
  • Discover how menstruation roots you into your Calling, and provides the bedrock, as well as a compass of your leadership. It is the foundation for living your Calling in the world—and the way you bleed sets the tone for your leadership. This is true for the initiation of matrescence and menopause too—both lay the foundation for the next iteration of your leadership.
  • Learn about The Big Bleed for accessing the power of menstruation.
  • Discover how the death and rebirth at menstruation opens you to more expanded states of consciousness and to the spiritual dimensions—allowing you to locate your deep self, resourcing you with meaning and purpose, and opening you to receive Love.
  • Practise the sacred tasks of the five chambers and experience how co-operating with them helps to grow your inner skills—the Dark Arts.

Module Three:
The Embodiment—The Inner Seasons

Friday 21st March—Thursday 10th April 2025

Take a deep dive into the map of the inner seasons of the menstrual cycle as your tailor-made, innate personal developmental pathway and the means to embody your power and leadership.

You will:

  • Discover the natural, organic self care practices within each season which allow you to access the innate powers of each season, help you to get to know yourself in each phase and enable you to slowly mature as you build the vessel of who you are.
  • Understand the developmental phases of the inner seasons so you can find your stumbling places, blocks, or gaps and build the muscles to withstand initiation, including: self awareness, self care, self celebration, and self holding.
  • Discover how to build your ‘relationship to yourself’ through the ongoing psychological work and self discovery in each of the inner seasons so you can get to know yourself, love yourself and know how to truly take care of yourself.
  • Learn your unique way of cooperating with your inner seasons, so that you can grow your inner skills for leadership. (For example; how the inner autumn teaches us how to hold the tension, the inner spring invites us to pacing ourselves, the inner summer teaches us appreciation, the inner winter guides us in how to be truly rested.)
  • Learn how to embody the opening that happens at menstruation throughout the cycle month, including: how to hold to your true self, and your vision, as you negotiate your day-to-day life, how to be true to your cyclical self inside a hustle culture and how to hold the tremendously potent charge of your wild power—your Calling.

Module Four:
The Holding—The Two Vias

Friday 11th April—Thursday 1st May 2025

Discover the Two Vias—the two currents of energy within the menstrual cycle: expansion (menstruation to ovulation) and contraction (ovulation to menstruation) and how they can school you in the death and rebirth process of initiation, so that you channel the powers of encounter and agency, build inner flexibility and cultivate the resilience required to ride the evolutionary process.

You will:

  • Discover the initiatory pattern within the Two Vias, and how this Great Holding invites you into a catalysing process that keeps you evolving into more expanded levels of consciousness.
  • Learn how to trust this Great Holding, hold to your true self and your vision in the world through a sustained connection and trust in the cycle and be held by the initiatory power of the cycle.
  • Practice cooperating with the Two Vias to grow your power for leadership; how the Via Positiva trains us in the power of agency and the Via Negativa trains us in the power of encounter, and the meeting place of the two build the power of presence.
The Menstruality Leadership Programme is a rare gift; a unique opportunity for self discovery that opens doors to every aspect of our reality. It is humbling to see how far I have come myself in terms of emotional strength and awareness.
Penny Fuller
After years of trying to search for answers this training has revealed much to me, and drawn it out from within; clarity, how I operate in the world and a very clear path of what I need to do now. Practical magic! I’m finally feeling at home in myself for the first time ever. The impact has been massive for me.
Adrienne Egan
The Menstruality Leadership Programme is nothing short of a miracle. Through the experience, I am delighted to have created a personal, and practical toolkit for life, including: an instruction manual on the inner workings of my cycle and creative process, an internal map that guides me straight to profound connection with nature, and a sound-proof room for my Inner Critic when it gets too much.
Grace Winteringham

bonus one:
Your Menstruality Playbook

A companion to help you embody your Feminine Leadership

Throughout the Menstruality Leadership Programme, this playbook will serve as your riverbanks as you befriend the menstrual cycle (including its peak initiatory moments of menarche, menstruation, motherhood and menopause) as your path and practice for Feminine Leadership. 

It will support you ongoingly—one participant described this as her “Feminine instruction manual” for the rest of your life, with practices, tasks and self reflection processes for the week which will help you to:

  • Know yourself, understand your own nature and how to hold and care for yourself
  • Access your deep self, your Calling
  • Weave the awakening of your Calling and knowing into embodiment and into the world to effect change

Although we are facing immense challenges in our world today, we each have a part to play—a leadership path to walk that will reveal our gifts, grow our authority and power to make a positive impact. This playbook will be a loyal guide on your path.

bonus two:
inner critic series

There’s a pesky figure that will trigger you, taunt you and generally do anything to curtail your leadership. It’s called your “inner critic”, and we have one or seventy thoughts about why it exists, ways to corral it and how it can actually serve your leadership process.

In this 2-part workshop series, we’ll guide you to face your inner critic and free yourself from the self doubt, imposter syndrome, fear of failure and overwhelm it so loves to create, so that you can find the confidence, trust and freedom to do what you’re here to do.

Workshop One: Harness Your Inner Critic—Liberate Your Power

Workshop Two: Your Inner Critic—Your Gateway to Your Creative Power

bonus three:
menarche course

Menarche is your very first period, a moment of great promise and sensitivity. How you are seen and related to in this moment can have a significant impact on your emerging sense of self and experience of menstruation.

In this course you will re-initiate yourself into your menstrual journey, create a new, more affirming 'inner ground' for living your life and begin to awaken to your life calling with more surety.

bonus Four:
Guided Menstruality Medicine Circle

In a world which doesn’t yet honour the power and wisdom of the menstrual cycle and menopause, it’s important to have easily-accessible resources that plug you back into menstruality as a guiding force for your life.

This guided meditation can serve as a homecoming resource, something to come back to again and again whenever you need a dose of menstruality medicine. You can use it to receive personalised guidance from the inner seasons of the menstrual cycle for whatever leadership challenges you face.

The menstruality leadership programme includes:


Three months of immersive teachings, processing sessions and practices from Alexandra and Sjanie


The opportunity to work live, two-to-one with Alexandra and Sjanie to process your current challenges


Three one-to-one menstruality inspired sessions with your dedicated Red School Leadership Mentor


The opportunity to take part in Mentoring Circles with our leadership mentors.


Private, safe, online hosted on our community platform, space to share and integrate your experience


Peer Listening Pods
(This year we're also introducing optional themed pods around mothering, fertility/infertility and menopause)


A Listening Partnership to integrate your insights and learnings


Learn the Feminine Leadership skills distilled from 4 decades of studying the menstrual cycle and menopause

Plus these bonuses

with practices, tasks and self reflection processes to integrate your insights.

to help you face your inner critic and free yourself from self doubt, imposter syndrome, fear of failure and overwhelm.

to re-initiate yourself into your menstrual journey.

to anchor you in your cyclical knowing—a resource to return to again and again.

to the course website with a wealth of Menstruality teachings from Alexandra and Sjanie.

The Hive is your community for ongoing cycle-inspired professional and personal development.

How to get the most out of the programme

Your time commitment

You are able to dedicate a minimum of 3-4 hours a week to engage with the material and practice, including:

  • the online teachings and exercises,
  • the live sessions and processing sessions,
  • listening partnerships and peer pods,
  • the one to one sessions with your mentor
  • and the mentoring circles.

Your self care and support set-up

This is deep work and it will be able to land most deeply if you are as resourced as you possibly can be to tend to your inner process and immerse yourself deeply in this work. (It’s important that you have the support to look after yourself as this work can sometimes be catalytic).

Course Prerequisites

The following are prerequisites for participation in the Menstruality Leadership Programme. (If you’re still in the process of reading the books, please go ahead and register, and ensure you complete it before we begin the programme.)

  • Read our book Wild Power at least once, and if you're age 35+ also read Wise Power.
  • Get stuck into the foundational practice of ongoing menstrual cycle awareness. Above all begin charting your cycle (work with the moon cycle if you are in or post menopause). You can’t know it enough.

We also strongly recommended this preparation:

  • Complete our free online self-study courses: Love Your Cycle (free) and our Menarche (a bonus when you join the programme)
  • Book a Menstruality Medicine Circle session with one of our Red School Leadership Mentors; Jady, Abi, Penny or Jane.
  • You might also enjoy working with The Woman’s Quest workbook—a 13 month guide to the power of the cycle.

You will have the opportunity to become a certified Red School Menstruality Mentor upon completion of the programme. The following are the minimum requirements to be certified:

  • Complete five Listening partnership sessions
  • Presence at two (out of twelve) live mentoring circles
  • Attend at least five (out of six) live sessions
  • Attend or watch at least three processing sessions
  • Listen to all of the teachings
  • Complete all of the playbook exercises
  • Participate in all three one-to-one sessions with your mentor
  • Complete the final self reflection (1000 words max)
How to Book
Register Here


Four, online, 3-week modules


Friday 7th February - Friday 9th May 2025

Course Timetable:

Live sessions times:

We host each live session twice. You can choose the time that works best for you

Live group time options (weeks 1 & 2 of each module):
Mondays 11am - 1.30pm New York* / 4pm - 6.30pm London

Tuesdays 8.30am - 11am London / 7.30pm - 9pm Sydney*

*Please reference the full course timetable above for the detailed session timings, as timings may change mid-course depending on your time zone, due to daylight savings hours.

Mentoring Circles (week 2 of each module):
Four different time options - full details can be found in the course timetable above

Live Final Closing Circle:
Thursday, 8th May 11am - 1.30pm New York / 4pm - 6.30pm London
Friday 9th May 8.30am - 11am London / 5.30pm -8pm Sydney


Bookings close on 21st December 2024

Pay in full:
£3795 (inc. VAT*)

3 month payment plan:
3 payments of £1272 (inc. VAT*)

12 month payment plan (earlybird):
12 payments of £318 (inc. VAT*)

Register Here

Refund policy:
You can see our full terms & conditions and cancellation policy here.

If you choose to cancel, the below cancellation policy applies:

For any cancellations made within 14 days of purchase:
If you have not yet had a one-to-one session or accessed the course platform, you will receive a full refund.

If you've already had a one-to-one session or accessed the course platform, you will receive a full refund less any costs for the services already provided.

For any cancellations made after 14 days of purchase:

£400 cancellation fee is non-refundable at any time, with the only exception being if we are unable to provide you a place on the course after we have reviewed your enrollment form.

100% refund of the already paid tuition fee is available if the request to cancel or transfer is received in writing by 7th January 2025 less a £400 cancellation fee.

For any requests to cancel or transfer made after 7th January 2025 and before 7th February 2025, there will be no refund of the already paid tuition up until the date the request is received.

There are no refunds or cancellations on or after 7th February 2025. You are liable for the total cost of the course after this date.

Sponsored Places

The Menstruality Foundation

Through the Red School Menstruality Foundation there are a number of full and partial scholarships available on our 2025 online Menstruality Leadership Programme for people from marginalised communities, including; Black, Indigenous or Persons of Colour (BIPOC), members of the LGBTQIA+ community, people living with a disability and/or who are socio-economically disadvantaged.

Partial scholarships are available to people who can't pay the full tuition, and in return we will ask you to create a project that will bring Menstruality to a marginalised communities (taking place after you have completed the course). If you are in a position to be able to pay the full tuition we kindly ask that you do not apply for a scholarship.

Scholarship applications are open until Sunday 17th November. We will let you know on Tuesday 26th November as to whether you've received a scholarship.

Apply Here
Giving Back

When you join the MLP, a portion of your fee will be donated to the Pachamama Alliance.

Register Now

The Pachamama Alliance, co-founded by Lynne and Bill Twist, was born out of an invitation from the Achuar people in the Amazon to work in partnership with them to preserve their land and culture while bringing forth a new worldview that honors and sustains life. Their programs integrate Indigenous wisdom with modern knowledge to support personal and collective transformation, that is the catalyst to bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet.

Hear Lynne's story of how the Pachamama Alliance came into being
through a vision she received during menopause.

What our graduates are saying

Explore Adele, Christine, Zoe & Nishma's experiences of the
Menstruality Leadership Programme.

A personal message from Alexandra and Sjanie.
As we write this, dreaming into the circle that will gather for this journey, we are deeply moved to feel the smorgasbord of possibilities available to you.

Our deep hope for you—if you feel called to take your seat in this circle—is that you have a direct, illuminating, life-changing experience……

of being initiated into the ‘Via Negativa’—the Way of the Feminine, so that you are awakened to exactly how your cyclical nature can transform and evolve you…

of the potent, personalised medicine of the menstrual cycle and the magic that that evokes in whatever way you most need it…

of a warm, life-affirming sense of connection and kinship in this circle, and a lived experience of being championed—embedding within you new strength to meet your inner critic as a creative and spiritual ally…

of your own growing sense of personal power—of what you are made of and capable of—so that you can be unleashed to more fully serve your Calling, to be a force for change in the world…

of your own growing authority with menstruality, trusting your own relationship to it, feeling your own line to it—this infinite, timeless, ever-evolving wisdom—so that you feel confident to serve menstruality in your own unique way…

of stronger inner ‘muscles’ for trusting the Unknown and a rooting into this new way of life—the Way of the Feminine—that will serve you for life.

And above all, we want you to feel the love and affirmation that is possible at menstruation.