Episode 83: Endometriosis, Courage and The Power of Telling Our Stories (Emma Bolden)

We’re having an important, needed, hard conversation today about endometriosis. Luckily we are guided by an amazing guest who seems to be able to bring lightness and humour to even the darkest topics, author Emma Bolden. So we invite you to laugh, and cry with us.

Emma’s memoir, The Tiger and The Cage exploring her decades-long rollercoaster with endometriosis was recently featured by the brilliant production company, Shondaland who describe her as a “compelling voice” and her book as: “an outstretched hand inviting us to accompany her through the most intimate and important experiences of her life, and women’s collective experiences.”

In This Episode:
  • The mystery that is endometriosis - even though the condition been documented since ancient Greece, and 176 million people suffer with it worldwide, we still don’t know exactly what it is, what causes it, or have comprehensive ways to successfully treat it.

  • Emma’s personal experience, and what gave her the strength to not only manage symptoms that impacted every area of her life, but also to navigate a medical system that is all too often dismissive, dehumanising and at times, abusive.

  • What writing her taught Emma about herself, her Calling and her future, and the healing power of each of us sharing our own stories.

Listen to The Full Episode Here:
Show Notes:

Episode Transcript
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